- Vaccari, C., Smets, K. and O. Heath (2020), ’The United Kingdom 2017 Election: Polarization in a Split Issue Space’, West European Politics, 43 (3), pp. 587-609.
- Neundorf, A., Niemi, R.G., Smets, K. (2016), ’The Compensation Effect of Civic Education on political Engagement: How Civics Classes Make Up for Missing Parental Socialization’, Political Behavior, 38 (4), pp. 921-949.
- Royal Holloway Group PR3710. (2016) “A codified constitution is a massive deal’: young people, deliberative democracy and A new Magna Carta?’; Youth Voice Journal, pp. 1-16.
- Smets, K. (2016) ‘Revisiting the Political Life-Cycle Model: Later Maturation and Turnout Decline Among Young Adults’; European Political Science Review, 8 (2), pp. 225-249.
- Smets, K. and P. Isernia (2014), ‘The Role of Deliberation in Attitude Change: An Empirical Assessment of Three Theoretical Mechanisms’, European Union Politics, 15(3), pp. 389-409.
- Isernia, P. and K. Smets (2014), ‘Revealing Preferences: Does Deliberation Increase Ideological Awareness Among Less Educated Voters?’, European Journal of Political Research, 53(3), pp. 520-540.
- Smets, K. and A. Neundorf (2014), ‘The Hierarchies of Age-Period-Cohort Research: Political Context and the Development of Generational Turnout Patterns’, Electoral Studies, 33(1), pp. 41-51.
- Smets, K. and C. van Ham (2013), ‘The Embarrassment of Riches? A Meta-Analysis of Individual Level Research on Voter Turnout’, Electoral Studies, 32(2), pp. 344–359.
- Smets, K. (2013), ‘De opkomstkloof tussen jong volwassenen en ouderen in nationale verkiezingen: een vergelijkend onderzoek’ (The Age Gap in Voter Turnout Between Young Adults and Older Citizens in National Elections: A Comparative Study), Res Publica, 55(1), pp. 11-36.
- Hooghe, M. and Smets, K. (2013), ‘Inleiding: Jongeren en politiek in verandering’ (Introduction: Youth and Politics in Times of Change ), Res Publica, 55(1), pp. 5-9.
- Stegmaier, M., M. Lewis-Beck and K. Smets (2013), ‘Standing for Parliament: Do Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic Candidates Pay Extra?’, Parliamentary Affairs, 66(2), pp. 268-285.
- Neundorf, A., K. Smets and G. García-Albacete (2013), ‘Homemade Citizens: The Development of Political Interest During Adolescence and Young Adulthood’, Acta Politica, 48(1), pp. 92-116.
- Smets, K. (2012), ‘A Widening Generational Divide? The Age Gap in Voter Turnout Through Time and Space’, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, 22(4), pp. 407-430.
Peer-reviewed book chapters
- Serra, L. and K. Smets, K. (2022), ’Age and Generation’, in The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation, eds. M. Giugni and M. Grasso, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 545-561.
- Smets, K. (2021), ’Aging and Politics. Age Differences in Political Behavior in Compar- ative Perspective’, in The Handbook of Aging in the Social Sciences, 9th edition, eds. K. Ferraro and D. Carr, London: Academic Press, pp. 287-300.
- Angelucci, D., P. Isernia and K. Smets (2020), ’Representation at Work: Miller and Stokes go to Brussels’, in The EU Through Multiple Crises Representation and Cohesion Dilemmas for a ”sui generis” Polity, eds. M. Cotta and P. Isernia, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 158-185.
- ’Smets, K. (2019), United Kingdom: European Elections in the run-up to Brexit’, in The European Parliament Elections of 2019, eds. L. de Sio, M. Franklin and L. Russo, Rome: LUISS University Press, pp. 267-272.
- Neundorf, A. and K. Smets (2017), ’Political Socialisation and the Making of Citizens’, Oxford Handbooks Online in Political Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Edited volumes
- ‘Jongeren en politiek’ (Youth and Politics), co-edited with Marc Hooghe. Special issue of Res Publica 55(1).
Doctoral Thesis
- ‘A Widening Generational Divide? Assessing the Age Gap in Voter Turnout Between Younger and Older Citizens’, PhD dissertation, Florence: European University Institute, 2010.
Other publications
- ‘The Compensation Effect of Civic Education on Political Engagement: How Civics Classes Make Up for Missing Parental Socialization’ (with Anja Neundorf and Richard G. Niemi), Nuffield’s Working Papers Series in Politics 2015-10, Oxford: Nuffield College, University of Oxford (2015).
- ‘Meta-analysis: Why do people vote (or not) in national elections?’ (with Carolien van Ham) in: SAGE Research Methods Cases, London: Sage, electronic publication (2014).
- ‘The Making of Political Generations: Party Preferences and National Governments across Western Democracies’ (with Anja Neundorf), Nuffield’s Working Papers Series in Politics 2012-02, Oxford: Nuffield College, University of Oxford (2012).
- ‘Belgium’ (with Kris Van Berendoncks and Steven Van Hecke) in: ‘The 2009 Elections to the European Parliament. Country Reports’, edited by Wojciech Gagatek, Florence: European University Institute, electronic publication (2010).
- ‘The Netherlands’ (with Carolien van Ham) in: ‘The 2009 Elections to the European Par- liament. Country Reports’, edited by Wojciech Gagatek, Florence: European University Institute, electronic publication (2010).
Contributions to reports
- ‘Seven principles for safer canvassing: A guide for councillors and candidates.’ (2024) London: Local Government Association.
- ‘Debate not hate: Ending abuse in public life for councillors.’ (2023), London: Local Government Association.
- Transatlantic Trends – Key Findings Report: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; Transatlantic Trends: Immigration – Key Findings Report: 2009, 2010, 2011; Transatlantic Trends: Leaders – Key Findings Report: 2010. All published by the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
- Smets, K., Arahal, I., Bakker, B., Barkas, D., Borghi, O., Chryssochoou X., Couto de Jesus, G., Kasper, J., Kegel, J., Knorr, A., Kossowska M., Kovalov, N., Kritzinger, S., Laffineur C., Lamm C., Liao, Y., Mazur, L., Nika, C., Niraki, M., Perek-Bialas, J., Schumacher, G., Seremeta, E., Silani, G., Tsakiris, M., Vatakis, A., Wagner, M., Wichary, S. (2024), 1.) ‘IP-PAD Wave 1: Online panel Austria’ (23/5- 7/6/2024); 2.) ‘IP-PAD Wave 1: Online panel Greece’ (26/5 -3/6/2024); 3.) ‘IP-PAD Wave 1: Online panel The Netherlands’ (28/5 -5/6/2024); 4.) ‘IP-PAD Wave 1: Online panel Poland’ (7/6 -13/6/2024); 5.) IP-PAD Wave 1: Online panel United Kingdom’ (24/5-4/6/2024), OSF,