Kaat Smets



Peer-reviewed book chapters
Edited volumes
  • ‘Jongeren en politiek’ (Youth and Politics), co-edited with Marc Hooghe. Special issue of Res Publica 55(1).
Doctoral Thesis
Other publications
Contributions to reports
  • Smets, K., Arahal, I., Bakker, B., Barkas, D., Borghi, O., Chryssochoou X., Couto de Jesus, G., Kasper, J., Kegel, J., Knorr, A., Kossowska M., Kovalov, N., Kritzinger, S., Laffineur C., Lamm C., Liao, Y., Mazur, L., Nika, C., Niraki, M., Perek-Bialas, J., Schumacher, G., Seremeta, E., Silani, G., Tsakiris, M., Vatakis, A., Wagner, M., Wichary, S. (2024), 1.) ‘IP-PAD Wave 1: Online panel Austria’ (23/5- 7/6/2024); 2.) ‘IP-PAD Wave 1: Online panel Greece’ (26/5 -3/6/2024); 3.) ‘IP-PAD Wave 1: Online panel The Netherlands’ (28/5 -5/6/2024); 4.) ‘IP-PAD Wave 1: Online panel Poland’ (7/6 -13/6/2024); 5.) IP-PAD Wave 1: Online panel United Kingdom’ (24/5-4/6/2024), OSF, https://osf.io/fmn5r/.